Young Boy Uses All His Savings To Buy Gas Station Attendant A Bicycle

A 10-year-old boy met a Gas station attendant while filling up and it had such a profound effect on him that he decided to use his savings to buy a bicycle for him.

Vaughn from South Africa met the attendant Tony while he was with his mother, Mandy, at the gas station in KwaZulu-Natal.

Mandy Fish says, “Vaughn was very sick, and within moments the attendant had him laughing and smiling.” She added, “Since then we regularly visit the station and Vaughn eagerly looks out for his new friend,” she said. “Tony always takes the time to talk to Vaughn about the various bikes we haul to Giba and back and listens so obligingly to him as he chatters away.”

During one such conversation, Tony asked them to look out for a reasonably priced bike for him which Vaughn promised he would. A few days later, he asked his mom if he could use his own money to buy a new bike for Tony.

Mandy said, “Vaughn has been collecting all the silver money around the house for months, saving for a ‘holiday’ for us. One night he came to me and asked if I really wanted a holiday and upon asking why he said he would rather put his savings towards helping Tony get his bike,” Mandy said.

Sure enough, they cracked open the piggy bank and used all the money to buy Tony a bicycle. Mandy shared on her Facebook, “Our children make us proud on so many occasions but today my heart and his is so full of the joy at the kind man’s face as he, rather stunned accepted his gift from this 10 year old boy.”

She further wrote, “Prawn Fish it will be years until your mom allows you on Facebook but when you do see this post, know that today of all your days on this planet so far my heart is the fullest and most proud of you it’s ever been. Keep being kind, and generous, with your time and money and remember bringing joy to others can bring just as much joy to yourself.”

It is so heartwarming to see little children displaying acts of kindness such as these for total strangers, God bless them.

Verse of the Day

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

1 John 4:18