U.S. Veteran Turned Pastor Nearly 100-Years-Old Still Preaches The Word Of God

It seems that nothing can stop this man from preaching about God’s goodness. This Texan who’s a U.S. veteran is now a full-time pastor at roughly 100 years old.


Jack Hetzel, a U.S. veteran, preacher, and author is just a few days away from his 100th birthday (Nov. 18). He preaches at Big Sandy United Methodist Church in Texas. Also, he had authored 8 books, led other houses of worship, had businesses, was part of 5 major WWII battles, and preached the Gospel for a long time now. Literally, he’s like a bunny from a battery ad that keeps on going and going and going.

“I believe I’m going to go to 112, but I’m ready to go anytime,” Hetzel told in an interview with Tyler Morning Telegraph. “God has been so good to me to live 100 years.” He started preaching even when he was still part of the military. He became a full-time pastor when he left the service. “After being in the military, I finally agreed with God that it was time for me to preach,” Hetzel said. “If God puts something into a person, why would you retire from it? I don’t minister; I am a minister. I don’t like to vacate. I like to do what I’m doing.” This is the reason why he never gave up on living what he’s called to do despite his age.

Another surprising fact about this persevering gentleman is, he graduated from High School at 99 years old! Guess no one is old enough to pursue education. He only reached the 3rd grade and his dream of finishing high school was finally fulfilled. Big Sandy ISD gave this veteran his diploma and even surprised the other graduates when he rehearsed with them for the said event. “99 years of age that’s something to be blessed about and I know my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that’s enough to be blessed about,” he told KETK-TV when he was interviewed about this milestone. In addition, he became an instructor of Military Science at Texas A&M University even when he had no diploma yet. He also has non-profit charities until now. Jack is happiest when helping people in need,” according to his bio.

Jack Hetzel’s long and fruitful life can only be credited to his relationship with God. It’s He who has sustained him, blessed the work of his hands, gave him long life, and allowed him to be part of different causes. One thing never changes over the years, whatever Jack is doing, he gives it his all, dedicates it to Him, whether it’s fighting major battles on the field, preaching the Gospel, or getting a high school diploma at 99 years of age.

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11