Comedian’s Hilarious Take On Working In His Church’s Nursery Will Have You in Stitches

Comedian Jonnie W’s hilarious take on working in his church’s nursery offers a fresh and funny look at a common volunteer job.

working in church nursery jonnie w comedy

Jonnie W Comedy, known for clean, family-friendly humor, has struck gold with his routine about the church nursery. He starts by pointing out a funny advantage of caring for babies: “They cannot rat you out if it all goes wrong.” This clever observation gets the audience laughing right away.

The comedian then talks about the odd practice of using stickers to identify kids in the nursery. He jokes that they’re “tagging these kids like they’re in the wild.” This not only makes people laugh but also pokes fun at the unusual ways churches try to keep children safe and organized.

Jonnie’s comedy gets even funnier when he talks about parents keeping their half of the ID tag. He jokingly threatens to keep the child if a parent comes back without the right “receipt.” He says, “You come back without that piece of paper, we’re keeping him, ok?”

The audience laughs even harder when Jonnie extends the joke, offering “store credit” to parents who lose their tags. He suggests they can “pick out something of equal or lesser value,” as if children were items in a store. He adds an extra laugh by saying “We give out so many redheads yall, it’s unbelievable.”

What makes Jonnie W’s routine so good is how he finds humor in something many churchgoers can relate to. Volunteering in the nursery is common in many churches, but it can be hard work that often goes unnoticed. By finding the funny side of this job, Jonnie not only entertains but also gives a new perspective that might help volunteers feel more positive about their work.

Jonnie W’s comedy reminds us how important laughter is in our spiritual lives. The Bible itself talks about the value of joy. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” When we find humor in our everyday experiences, including church activities, we can have a more positive outlook and better appreciate our blessings.

While Jonnie W’s comedy focuses on the funny parts of nursery duty, it’s important to remember how vital nursery volunteers are to church life. These dedicated people provide a valuable service, allowing parents to fully take part in worship services and other church activities. Their work, though often behind the scenes, greatly helps the church community grow and thrive.

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23