Woman Jumps Into Frozen Swimming Pool To Save Dog

Proverbs 12:10 “Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.”

The Bible is very clear, it says that the righteous have regard for their animals, but those who are cruel have no mercy for their pets or animals.


The mercy and care given properly to their animals is very pleasing in God’s sight.

A recent incident where a Tennessee dog owner’s backyard camera captured the moment she jumped into a frozen pool to save her dog who fell in is warming the hearts of people all over the country.

Jennie Tatum’s security video shows her dog Sid running around the ice-covered swimming pool and then suddenly he dives into the water. Tatum ran to the rescue and jumped through two-inch-thick ice to look for Sid. “It was pure adrenaline. I was not even thinking about being cold,” said Tatum.

At first, Tatum couldn’t find Sid and got out of the pool to get a better look from above, and then she jumped back into the freezing water and pulled the barely-conscious dog out. The Tatums said they do not have a pool cover and a pump to prevent ice that had just gone out and was scheduled to be fixed before a recent storm hit.

“He’s about 50 pounds. All I could think about was I need to get him into the house and to get him warm,” said Tatum. The dog was submerged for more than 60 seconds and one vet thinks Sid did not have another minute to spare. “I don’t think this dog had another minute based on his symptoms,” said veterinarian April Smith.

Smith said Sid likely held his breath for part of the time but needed oxygen to be revived and said Tatum saved Sid’s life. “You notice he just sunk and he didn’t have a chance without her. He wouldn’t have a chance,” said Smith.

But Tatum said she’s no hero and would have jumped in to save anyone’s pet. Sid is doing good now and is avoiding going near the pool!

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Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4