Woman Gives Stray Dog Her Scarf After Noticing Him Shivering In The Rain

The internet is full of videos about kindness to animals but this clip of what a woman did for a dog shivering in the rain will make you tear up.

Act of kindness


Duygu Elma was on her way out of a café in Turkey when it began raining. She opened her umbrella and was about to leave when she saw a stray dog curled up underneath the overhang out front. Without blinking for a second, she took off her scarf and put it on the dog in a moment that was captured on a security camera while she was departing the café.


The video was shared by Indian Forest Services officer Susanta Nanda on Twitter. “God does not look at your possessions, but he looks at your heart & deeds,” he wrote, posting the clip on the micro-blogging site. Nanda’s post got more than 1.9K likes and 13K views.

In an interview, Elma said she never expected that her act of kindness would go viral, she said it was a cold day and “couldn’t take it when I saw him shivering.” One user said that humanity is alive. While another wrote, “There is no God. Only good human beings like the one in the video.”

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4