Weather Reporter Abandons Live Broadcast and Rushes to Rescue Woman Trapped in Submerged Car

During Hurricane Helene, Fox Weather meteorologist Bob Van Dillen paused his live broadcast to save a woman trapped in her car underwater near Atlanta’s Peachtree Creek.

weather reporter rescues woman

God often puts us in situations that test our faith and kindness. As Jesus’ followers, we’re called to love our neighbors and help those in need. This story shows us how important it is to put others first, just like Jesus taught us.

The rescue happened early Friday morning as Van Dillen reported on Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 storm that had already killed 200 people in four states. While standing in deep floodwater, he heard a woman screaming for help from a nearby submerged car.

Van Dillen quickly decided to help, telling viewers, “I’m going to go see if I can help this lady out a little bit more. You guys. I’ll be back.” He then waded toward the trapped woman’s car.

The situation was scary. Van Dillen later said, “The water was actually rising and getting up into the car itself, so she was about, almost neck deep submerged in her own car.” The woman was still buckled in her seat, panicking as the water kept rising.

Thinking fast, Van Dillen told the woman to roll down her window. This let him open the car door by equalizing the pressure. He explained, “That allowed the pressure to be equalized and allowed me to pry the door open, unbuckle her seatbelt, put her on me, in my side.”

Cameras caught Van Dillen, who’s 6 feet 1 inch tall, carrying the woman on his back through the dangerous floodwaters to safety. This powerful image showed how people can be strong and brave during natural disasters.

Many people praised Van Dillen’s actions. Subramaniam Vincent, who studies journalism ethics, said, “I think the call he made is a human call.” He added that with the rising water, the woman’s cries for help, and no knowing when help would come, “it [was] a straightforward case of jumping in – a fellow citizen actually helping another.”

The rescue highlights how bad Hurricane Helene was for the southeastern U.S. The storm left more than 3.5 million homes and businesses without power. In some parts of Florida, water levels were over 15 feet above the ground, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Van Dillen probably saved the woman’s life. He said he first called 911, but after waiting 5-10 minutes and still hearing the woman scream, he knew he had to act. “She was panicking. She really wasn’t making too much sense, and she was still strapped into her car seat,” Van Dillen said.

This inspiring story reminds us of Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Van Dillen’s actions remind us that we’re all called to be Christ’s hands and feet in our communities.

Let’s pray for everyone affected by Hurricane Helene and other natural disasters. May God give them strength, comfort, and hope as they rebuild. And may we, as Jesus’ followers, always be ready to help our neighbors and bring light to dark situations.

WATCH: Weather Reporter Turned Hero After Rescuing Woman Trapped in Submerged Car

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23