Toddler With No Pulse for 3 Hours Makes Miraculous Recovery

It was a day of horror that transitioned into a testament of faith, the miraculous recovery of Waylon Saunders, a 20-month-old boy from Petrolia, Ontario, who was found lifeless in a freezing pool. As this tale of survival unfolds, it’s a stirring reminder that miracles still happen, and that faith, love, and tireless determination can truly make a difference.

waylon saunders update

It all began on a frigid January day when Waylon, left unsupervised at his daycare, somehow found his way to an ice-covered outdoor swimming pool. Tragically, the little boy fell through the ice and was submerged for an estimated five minutes before being discovered. Lifeless and without a pulse, Waylon was rushed to the Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital where a team of dedicated healthcare workers would fight relentlessly for his life.

On arrival, Waylon’s body temperature was so low it couldn’t be registered on the hospital’s equipment, and he was in cardiac arrest. “The other doctors that I work with at our family health team came running, left their offices, to help out,” Dr. Nathan Taylor recalled.

In a display of exemplary teamwork, at least 20 different individuals, including doctors, nurses, EMS personnel, and lab techs, joined forces. Dr. Taylor described it as a genuine team effort, noting, “lab techs were holding portable heaters in the room at one point; EMS personnel also helped out by rotating through as compressors and helping with managing his airway.”

Their unyielding efforts began to show results after three grueling hours of CPR. Just before a critical care team from London’s Children’s Hospital arrived to transport Waylon, the medical staff at the Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital succeeded in getting a sustained pulse. The team’s focus was then shifted to stabilizing the toddler and preparing him for the journey ahead.

“We were really trying to keep him alive so we could give him the best chance at a good recovery,” explained Dr. Janice Tijssen from the Children’s Hospital in London. She was part of the team that took over Waylon’s care once he arrived in London, where they continued the uphill battle to help the little boy overcome the odds before him.

In what can only be described as a miraculous turn of events, Waylon Saunders not only survived, but also made an astounding recovery. Less than two weeks after his near-fatal accident, Waylon left critical care. His astonishing progress continued, and within a week, he was released from the hospital to continue his recovery at home.

Waylon’s mother, Gillian Burnett, was full of gratitude and admiration for the medical staff that fought for her son’s life. “They did something amazing. They’re heroes,” she declared, adding, “The other day I told them that they’re God’s soldiers. I will forever love them, they are like a big family to us. They have a piece of my heart for the rest of my life.”

Today, Waylon is back to being a joyful, active toddler, defying all odds and medical expectations. His story serves as an inspiring reminder that miracles still happen and that God’s love and grace are always at work.

Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” – Psalm 91:14-16 (NIV)

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15