Walmart Manager’s Kindness Stuns Woman Who Was Shopping For Hurricane Florence Victims

Disasters always bring out the best in people and Shelli Trench, from Garner, North Carolina, shared a heartwarming story about when she went to her local Walmart to buy supplies for those affected by Hurricane Florence.

“I dropped off some water and diapers at the shelter at Garner Magnet High School. While I was there, I asked them with their greatest need was and their response was ‘T-shirts. We have people coming from all over and we can offer them hot showers but we don’t have clean clothes for them. So we need T-shirts and underwear.’

She said, ‘Let me see what I can do, I had $50 that I could spend so I headed to the only store open – the Walmart in Garner, North Carolina. I went in and asked for a manager, hoping he would give me some kind of discount to make that money go further. Instead, I got a blessing.”

“When Jeff Jobes, the manager on duty, heard about the plight of the people at the shelter he didn’t give me a discount. Instead, he armed me with one of his associates (Alex) and a shopping cart and told her to fill it… on him.

She says that the bill was $1,251 which was paid off by the manager, she delivered 254 items of clothing to the people evacuated at the Garner High shelter, thanks to Jeff the manager who seriously loves his community and proved it with his actions.

She urged everybody reading the post to share it far and wide so that it could become viral and get Jeff the recognition for his example of honor, integrity, and community compassion.

But wait a minute Manager Jeff wasn’t done yet.

He wrote to her saying ‘How is everything this morning? Need anything?’

So she drove to the shelter and ask them what they needed and they gave her a list of fresh fruit for snacks, Ensure, Boost, and Gatorade.

She texted it to Jeff and his response was: ‘Give me 30 minutes then come see me.’

As she got to the store, Jeff and his co-manager Kelly were busy arranging all the items that were requested.

The never donated bags of fresh fruit but case after case after case after case of apples and oranges and bananas and Ensure and Boost and Gatorade and Cliff bars and pastries and bread and cookies.

Her van was loaded right up to the top.

This outpouring of love and support from Walmart in Garner is really awesome.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11