‘Voice of God’ Saves Men From Being Crushed By Semi-Truck

In what can be said is a supernatural event, two men traveling on the Ohio turnpike say it was the ‘voice of God’ which saved them from an approaching Semi almost totaled their vehicle.

Kenneth Bryant and Jordan Cole were traveling from Montana to Philadelphia for their mission to feed pastors at a conference.

They work on MudMan food truck, which brings food to the conference in Philadelphia. They were initially traveling in a group, but Bryant and Cole decided to stay be in the truck, while the rest of the men went to find a replacement part for the vehicle.

MudMan Burgers Facebook page said, that it is a “not for profit burger shop with their proceeds going to support the work of Potter’s Field Ministries in their global kid programs.

At that moment, an incident which has shaken them occurred, “He was in the cab of the truck and I was in the back,” Bryant said, “I was using a generator in the back to charge our cellphones.”

They both agree that they had heard the voice of God which saved them from a horrible collision with a semi-truck at that point. They both were in different parts of the truck, and proceeded to jump out at the same time.

Bryant recalls that he had a vision. “It was a pretty predominant thought that the truck was going to get hit,” he said. “We heard a voice, and it was to get out of the truck and I look down and I saw a semi swerving toward us,” Cole said.

They were right, because seconds later, a semi rammed into the middle of the food truck and if they did not jump off at that moment they would have not been alive, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers. Thankfully, the semi-truck driver also survived with just minor injuries.

These two men of God are now sharing their story because they believe God allowed it to happen for a reason. “We’ve come to the conclusion that it was Jesus,” Bryant shared. “He allowed this to happen… for people to know that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us.”

They both agree that God saved them and kept them alive to tell their story with whomsoever they meet.

Miraculously Saved from disaster

‘Voice of God’ saves men traveling through Ohio from semi-truck crash
Two men who escaped being crushed by a semi in NEWTON TOWNSHIP, Ohio. They say it was the voice of God that saved them.
“We heard a voice, and it was to get out of the truck and I look down and I saw a semi swerving toward us,” Jordan Cole said. He was traveling with Kenneth Bryant and several other men from Montana to Philadelphia for a pastor’s conference.
The men were bringing a MudMan food truck. It's part of a non-profit that sells hamburgers to raise money for Potter’s Field Ministries.
“Providing food and other resources,” said Bryant, who recently returned from Guatemala and Uganda.
The men were on the Ohio Turnpike in Newton Township on Nov. 12, around 8 p.m. when the food truck broke down.
Bryant and Cole stayed with the vehicle while the others took a van to go get a repair part.
“He was in the cab of the truck and I was in the back,” Bryant said. “I was using a generator in the back to charge our cellphones.”
All of the sudden he became overwhelmed with a sort of vision, he said.
“It was kind of vivid,” Bryant said. “It was a pretty predominant thought that the truck was going to get hit.”
He immediately grabbed his phone and jumped out of the vehicle, at the same time Cole was jumping out of the front cab.
They both made it out with only seconds to spare before the entire food truck was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers who responded to the accident told FOX 8 the men most certainly would’ve been killed had they been inside the vehicle during impact.
The semi truck driver also survived and suffered only minor injuries.
“God kept us safe, God kept us alive,” Bryant said.

Posted by Carry The Light on Saturday, 8 December 2018

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15