‘Lieutenant Dan’ Has Emotional Reaction To Veterans’ Heartfelt Thank You Video

Who doesn’t remember Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump? Gary Sinise, now 64, proudly played the iconic role of Lieutenant Dan in ‘Forrest Gump,’ a character that has inspired war heroes across the world.

He did not limit himself to just that but also started the Gary Sinise Foundation in 2011, which has since been helping to bring many initiatives to benefit American veterans and firefighters. It has helped build 70 smart homes, hosted 700 benefit concerts, and raised over $30 million every year to improve lives of former servicemen and women.

As Sinise said, “These service members and first responders have already done their part,” says Sinise. “They have already given of themselves. And it is our great privilege, through the trust of the American people and the support given to us, to do our part to give something back to them.”

The foundation recently released a video of celebrities and veterans thanking Sinise for his contribution to the welfare of veterans and his  philanthropy. It included shout outs from Robert de Niro, Rob Lowe, Jay Leno, and last, and from his former co-star Tom Hanks gleefully yelling “Thank you, Lieutenant Dan!”

In a reaction video to the thank-you compilation, Sinise is seen becoming more and more emotional watching the heartfelt clips from A-listers and military families. He says, “That made me feel really good” with a few tears of gratitude in his eyes.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11