Vietnam Veteran Passed Away With No Family To Attend His Funeral. So Other Vets Stepped In

In an extraordinary show of solidarity, a Tennessee community came together to pay their respects at the funeral of an unclaimed Vietnam veteran.

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Huge crowds gathered on a rainy morning to pay their last respects to Leo Stokley, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He died at the Waters of Cheatham in Ashland City and was 69 years old.

Stokley was a United States Marine Corps and did a tour of duty in Vietnam. He was laid to rest at the Middle Tennessee Veterans Cemetery in Nashville.

But sadly when he passed away, he had no family to attend his funeral. So, that’s when the community stepped in and made sure that he wouldn’t have to be buried alone.

Crowds of veterans and their friends and family showed up to show respect for Stokley after a veterans groups put out a post on social media about it which was quickly shared during the week before the funeral.

“It’s very heartwarming to see this many veterans and friends of veterans that show up here on a cold, rainy day, a weekday, to send him off in style. I’m proud for that. I’m proud for these guys that did that.” said Bob Counter, an Air Force veteran.

We are proud of our veterans and the service they have rendered to our country. May God help us to do more for them.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11