UPS Driver Shares Photos Of Dogs He Meets Along Route, This Is The Best Thing You Will See All Day

The hatred between dogs and delivery men  is a well-known fact. You can practically see them scratching at the door, or restless at the fence, when the post man or delivery man appears at the door.

When you have the best UPS man on the planet…

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Posted by Staci Speer Burns on Thursday, June 8, 2017

But, Donald Kidd is different from the rest- he is an animal lover. He says, “If I can pet a dog, and make him feel good, I will. It feels good to know that they  appreciate you coming,” he added. “They’re just looking for affection, too, that’s all.”


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“There are two dogs I’ve known since they were puppies: Willie and Millie. They don’t allow FedEx to come around. They don’t allow anyone to deliver to the house but me.”


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Dog owner, John Danforth says, “My dogs know the sound of his truck, when he comes to my place, they perk up and go running towards the road to greet him and bark!! Even on days I don’t get a delivery, they’ll hear the sound of his truck going by and, boy, they perk up and run to see as he passes by.”


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“UPS drivers deliver packages all day long,” the UPS Dogs Facebook about page reads. “During each day, drivers encounter many dogs, most friendly and some not so nice. When time permits, drivers snap a photo and send it in to UPS Dogs.”


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Jason Hardesty is one big fan of posting dog/work selfies to his Instagram account, “I try to discipline myself to do it on Fridays,” he said. He looks clearly smitten with each new pup he befriends and has a wide smile on his face as he clicks pictures with pit bulls, puppies, Pomeranians, and pugs.

Wish all the UPS drivers were as dog-friendly and cool as he is!

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4