Ukrainians Kneel And Pray In Freezing Cold After Russia Announces Invasion

It was a very touching moment to see Ukrainians getting on their knees, gathering, and praying at the Main Square, moments after President Putin of Russia announced that they would invade Ukraine.


CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward captured this heart-wrenching scene and reported it for the world to see how this conflict has affected the innocent people of Ukraine.

She reported, “I think this…really speaks to the sort of desperation of this moment,” Clarissa told CNN’s Don Lemon. “We just see a small group of people…have gathered in the main square, and they are kneeling and praying because right now there is clearly, a sense of having no idea what is coming down the pipeline, what is in store.”

A small group of fewer than ten people gathered, formed a circle, knelt, and prayed. They did not mind the freezing temperature outside and decided to pray and lift their worries to God.

“It’s freezing cold here, so to see these people kneeling on the cold stone in prayer is honestly very moving,” she added. “And I think it speaks to the state of ordinary Ukrainians here who have done absolutely nothing to deserve this.” Clarissa also described that the atmosphere there was very tense and people were afraid of what could happen in the coming days.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine declared martial law and announced that “We will give weapons to anyone who wants to defend the country,” the president tweeted. “Be ready to support Ukraine in the squares of our cities.”

Russia has launched a violent, unprovoked, full-scale military attack recently against Ukraine, CBN News reported. This also affected the rest of the world as prices of oil skyrocketed and stock markets dropped due to fears of disruption of Russia’s oil supply.

Let’s keep Ukraine in our prayers. God is still sovereign over any situation. The Ukrainians are admirable for exhibiting great faith amid the chaos because they know where they need to put their trust at these challenging times.

“The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Exodus 15:2

Verse of the Day

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15