Uber Driver Gives Woman 400 Mile Ride To Aunt’s 100th Birthday Party After She Missed Her Flight

It’s not every day that we hear stories of obliging and helpful cab drivers, but a woman recently tweeted about her experience with an Uber driver and publicly thanked him for traveling great lengths so that she wouldn’t skip her relative’s 100th birthday celebration.


Lafayette, Louisiana resident Kerry Maggard took to twitter to praise Uber driver Jesus, who picked her up at Minneapolis−Saint Paul International Airport and drove 400 miles to her aunt’s party. Maggard, was riding with her sister, Deb Eggers, from San Antonio, Texas.


As the entire family was getting ready to ring in Ann Stueven’s centenary birthday, Maggard and Eggers had ended up missing their connecting flight and had to rely on Uber. They never expected them to agree to take them 400-miles to the Minnesota nursing home where the party was organized.

“When he arrived I said, ‘It’s almost 4 hours away. Is that ok?’ I explained we were trying to get to my aunt’s birthday party,” Maggard said. “He paused and said, ‘I’m a driver, that’s what I do and I will take you.'” She said, “He was extremely sweet. It’s really a testimony to the kindness of people,” said Maggard.


Maggard tipped Jesus $54.07 for the $216.30 trip, shared screenshots after her July 20 ride, writing on Twitter, “My sister and I requested Uber for a 4 HOUR drive and LOOK WHO ANSWERED OUR PLEA!!! #JesusSaves #Godhassenseofhumor” Her tweets grabbed the attention of media outlets.


Although she hasn’t connected again with Jesus, she has spoken with his daughter-in-law via Facebook who reiterated that Maggard’s story “epitomizes the sweet man that he is.”

Maggard was on time to enjoy a great birthday celebration with Aunt Ann, who was born July 23, 1919, she was married 56 years to the late Herb Stueven, and has 2 sons with him. Maggard says, “Aunt Ann is just as sharp, sweet and witty as can be,” Maggard adds, “She was thrilled when we walked in an asked about our adventure.”

This is a story that the world needs to read because we all need each other and acts of kindness such as these will always refresh our trust in humanity.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9