Tow Truck Driver Jumps In To Save Drowning Woman: ‘I Thank God That He Put Me There’

A Philadelphia man has become an “instant hero” after he rescued a woman who was drowning in the water at the beach in Wildwood.


Officials credit the man for saving the life of the woman and say if it were not for him, she would be dead. Tyree Ward says anyone would have done it, but emergency officials say not everyone is so selfless or brave.

It was after 8 pm in Wildwood at the beach near Baker Avenue, and there were no lifeguards on duty. Tyree heard someone screaming, a woman was crying out that her friend was drowning. He immediately dropped his towel and phone and jumped in.

“I thank God that He put me there,” Ward says. “Everything just happened the way it did. Nobody but the Lord that that put me in that place.” He hopes this will inspire others to look beyond themselves. “Somebody has to do something,” he says. “You just jump in and you just have to follow your gut sometimes.”


Tyree is an auto mechanic and tow truck driver from West Oak Lane and was on the beach with his family when this happened. He swam far out to the 20 year-old-woman and brought her to shore. Emergency crews met them close to the shore and jumped in to help.

“He saved her life, absolutely,” says Wildwood Fire Chief Ernie Troiano III. ” When time is of the essence, his timing was impeccable. He was truly in the right place at the right time, and he had what it took to get the job done. He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t wait to call for help. He sprung into action and it was truly a lifesaving measure.”


The Wildwood Fire Department presented Ward with tokens of their appreciation. They are grateful and are reminding everyone of the dangers of swimming without a lifeguard.


The department also emphasized that there wouldn’t always be a Tyree Ward to swim in and save people every time. The world needs more people like him.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9