Trooper Uses Umbrella To Protect Dog In Sweltering Heat

Our troopers are not only going above and beyond to protect us but also doing the same for the animals around us. A state highway patrol trooper and a Good Samaritan are being thanked after providing much-needed shade to a dog, caught up in the sweltering heat.


Kaye Fiorello was driving her car on the highway in Tennessee when she saw a struggling dog in a ditch and had to turn around to help her out. Praise the Lord!

Thankfully, there was a caring trooper nearby and so she asked him to help her look after the dog, they found the dog panting in the blistering heat, and then the trooper did something very amazing.

Without thinking about his own need to be hydrated, the trooper poured out all his Kool-Aid to make a water bowl for the faint dog who quickly drank it all up.

The trooper did not stop at that but even got more water for the dog, as well as a chair and an umbrella. He then used the umbrella to shade the dog from the sun.


According to a Facebook post by Fiorello, the caring trooper told her that he would be right there for the dog till it trusted him before he brought her to a shelter.

“I believe his being there at the right time, was one of those little messages reminding us of the good in our world,” Fiorello’s Facebook post said. At present, the dog is being treated at Cleveland Tennessee Animal Control.


What a beautiful reminder we got today from a highway patrol trooper who taught us to be kind to animals that are not our pets and also to provide them with water and shade, during this unprecedented heat wave.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9