She Was About to End Her Life Until She Heard a Stranger’s Voice: ‘Don’t Jump’

Trieste Belmont was going through a tough time in 2014, struggling with depression and feeling hopeless. One particularly tough day, she had an unexpected encounter on a bridge with a kind stranger that changed her life forever.

trieste belmont story

That year was tough for Trieste; she was mourning her grandmother’s passing and dealing with a break-up. She was teaching a dance class at the time but didn’t have a driver’s license, so a friend would usually give her a ride. One day, when her friend didn’t show up, Trieste had to walk home alone, and her route took her across a tall bridge.

When she reached the highest point of the bridge, Trieste felt hopeless and like she was a burden to everyone around her. She thought about ending her life. “I was sobbing and crying, trying to find the courage to just do it because, at that moment, I felt like it would make everyone’s lives better,” she shared with NPR. That’s when a driver passing by stopped and said, “Don’t jump.”

Those simple words made Trieste think—if a total stranger could care so much, maybe ending her life wasn’t the answer. Soon, Trieste started therapy and, with the help of her loved ones, moved past that dark day.

Trieste’s story reminds us of the hidden battles people might be fighting. It emphasizes how walking with Jesus and delving into the word of God can substantially alleviate depression.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9