9-Year-Old Boy Thanks Tom Brady For His Encouraging Words That Helped Him Beat Cancer

Brain cancer made things very difficult and painful for this brave 9-year-old boy. Thanks to football superstar Tom Brady for his uplifting words when young Noah needed them the most.


Noah Reeb should have been out in the field playing football, following the steps of football celebrity Tom Brady, but sadly, cancer slowed him down. This young fellow was diagnosed with Cancer last 2020 that started only with severe headaches.

“It’s one of those tragic moments you read about where they turn the screen around and say, ‘You have cancer,’” his mom, Jacque Reeb, told KSL-TV. “And in our case, they turned it around and showed us Noah’s tumor in the center of his head and said, ‘He has brain cancer, and we need to get him to the hospital today.’”

Jacque added, “It’s like every mom’s worse nightmare, and then instantly you want to protect him, and you don’t know what to do, so you just rely on faith from that point on. Faith and trust in God that whatever is going to happen is for a reason.”

The story of Noah Reed and why Tom Brady inspires him

“Tom Brady thinks I can beat cancer so I mean, I guess I can beat cancer.” For Noah Reeb, Tom Brady has always been an inspiration ❤️ Jeff Darlington

Posted by SportsCenter on Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Noah recalled, “Me and my mom and dad, Scarlet, and Maxine, we were just in a lot of pain.” He added, “It still really hurts to think about it,” this young kid paused, still emotional by just recalling what happened.

This young boy underwent multiple surgeries, craniotomy (partial removal of the bone from the skull to expose the brain), cycles of chemotherapy, and radiation. “Why does it have to me be?” Noah questioned when he was in so much pain. His mom said, “Because you are one of the strong ones.”

When this sick boy was so down, that was when Tom Brady’s inspiring words helped him a lot. A friend of theirs asked Tom to record a video for Noah to lift his spirits. During his darkest days, Noah repeatedly watched this video. It helped him and pushed him to fight.

“I just want to let you know that I’m thinking about you. My thoughts and prayers are with you…You’re gonna be great, I know it,” Tom said in the video. Thankfully, after all the treatments, Noah’s tumor disappeared.

His parents promised to let him watch one of Tom’s games, once he has recovered. The big day came when finally, Noah and his idol met.

Noah held up signage that read: “Tom Brady Helped Me Beat Brain Cancer.” This caught the athlete’s attention, and he went over to shake his hands, and placed a cap on his head. “I was shocked. I can’t really believe it’s happening,” Noah recalled. His mom was emotional when she saw Tom putting the cap on her son’s head, just over his scars caused by his surgeries.

Posted by Ruben Ruiz on Monday, 17 January 2022

The story was still far from over. Tom sent another video to Noah, this time when he was already ten. He said, “But earlier, you held up that sign that I helped you beat brain cancer. Well, listen, your fight, you’ve inspired so many people, including myself, but millions of others also, and the NFL and the Bucs look forward to sending deserving fans to the Super Bowl each year and fans that have incredible stories like the one you’ve had.”

“So as a thank you, I worked with both the Bucs and the NFL to get you and your family Super Bowl tickets this year in LA. We certainly hope to be there, but I know you’re going to be there. It’s going to be really cool for all of us. So, glad to see you’re doing well. Take care, man, and enjoy the tickets! Let’s go.”

Tom Brady surprises 10-year-old brain cancer survivor with Super Bowl tickets

Tom Brady surprised 10-year-old brain cancer survivor Noah Reeb with Super Bowl tickets. This is what it’s all about ❤️

Posted by Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Looking back, Noah’s admiration of Tom Brady started with a casual chat with his dad, James Reeb. He narrated, “Noah approached me one day, and said, ‘Dad, who’s the greatest quarterback?'” They say, the rest is history.

Words are crucial and have the power to build or tear someone down. In Noah’s case, Tom’s words lifted him in the darkest days of his life. May we use our words wisely and help others rise as well.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9