Little Boy Praises God Singing Adorable Version Of ‘God Only Knows’

Worship music has the power to move a person of any age, just like this toddler who was singing under the power of the Holy Spirit, the song, ‘God Only Knows’ by For King And Country.

toddler sings God only knows

The boy’s parents are clearly doing a wonderful job raising him in a Christian home where God is at the center of everything and the love of listening to and singing worship songs also has been instilled in him by them.

Wide awake while the world is sound asleepin’
Too afraid of what might show up while you’re dreamin’
Nobody, nobody, nobody sees you
Nobody, nobody, nobody would believe you
Every day you try to pick up all the pieces
All the memories, they somehow never leave you
Nobody, nobody, nobody sees you
Nobody, nobody, nobody would believe you

Just look at the way the Holy Spirit takes control of the this toddler’s spirit as he listens to a powerful worship song ‘God Only Knows’ by For King And Country.

‘God Only Knows,’ was released in 2018 on the album ‘Burn The Ships,’ and it moved up the music charts as the second record-breaking song for nineteen weeks.

God only knows what you’ve been through
God only knows what they say about you
God only knows how it’s killing you
But there’s a kind of love that God only knows
God only knows what you’ve been through
God only knows what they say about you
God only knows the real you
There’s a kind of love that God only knows

The song speaks of the inner struggles that we have which are not visible to anyone but God because He has created us and carries us in His palms.

This performance by Knox was captured on camera by his mother and it looks like her heart was warmed by it and ours too. She later shared the video of her baby son praising God to TikTok where it’s been viewed over 273,000 times.

There’s a kind of love that
There’s a kind of love

You keep a cover over every single secret
So afraid if someone saw them they would leave
But somebody, somebody, somebody sees you
Somebody, somebody will never leave you

Today as we watch this video of Knox praising and worshipping God with all his heart, mind and spirit, let us also do the same and surrender ourselves completely to our maker.


#godonlyknows #worship #baby #feelthespirit

♬ God only knows baby – Knoxsmom

Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

2 Corinthians 5:21