This 30-Second Video Brings Fathers Everywhere to Tears

In a video that’s melting hearts far and wide, a simple, everyday goodbye between a father and his young son reminds us all of the boundless, beautiful love found in family.

toddler runs to dad for hug

As the dad starts his day, heading off to work, his little boy dashes outside, unable to let him go without one more hug. And, without a second thought, dad turns back, wrapping his son up in a warm, loving embrace. A real, unscripted moment shared between parent and child, forever encapsulated in a brief video clip that has since gone viral, stirring emotions and drawing tears from fathers and all viewers alike.

“Only dads will understand how much that dad needed that.” a Tik Tok user wrote.

“If I could go back I’d hug my kids so much more! God how I wish I could do that again!!” another user commented.

Watch the sweet moment below.

@tylobdellThe “I’ve gotta go to work” hugs always hit a little different.♬ Forever And Ever Amen COVER by Brent Morgan – Brent Morgan

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4