Violinist Performs Stunning Rendition of ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love’

Taryn Harbridge performs stunning violin rendition of ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love.’

they'll know we are christians by our love taryn harbridge

‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love’ is a hymn that has touched believers for decades. Father Peter Scholtes, a Catholic priest from Chicago, wrote it in 1966. He drew inspiration from John 13:35, where Jesus says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

The song has a clear message – our Christian faith should shine through in how we love and care for others. Its words talk about walking together, working side by side, and praising God with one voice, all united by Christ’s love. This powerful message still rings true for believers today.

Taryn Harbridge, a gifted violinist has breathed fresh energy into this classic hymn. Her version of ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love’ shows both her musical talent and her desire to use that talent to honor God.

The video of Harbridge’s performance starts with wide views of beautiful landscapes. We see green bushes, colorful flowers, and tall trees, all showcasing the beauty of God’s creation.

As the first violin notes sound, the camera moves to show Harbridge herself, surrounded by towering mountains. This setting forms a perfect backdrop for the moving music that follows.

What makes Harbridge’s performance truly stand out is how she pours her love for Jesus into every note. Her faith shines through in her playing, making this more than just a display of musical skill. It becomes a deeply moving spiritual experience. As we watch and listen, we’re not just seeing a talented musician – we’re being invited to join in a moment of worship and reflection.

As we think about Taryn Harbridge’s beautiful version of ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love,’ let’s let its message sink deep into our hearts. May it inspire us to live out our faith in real, practical ways, showing love and kindness to those around us.

In a world that often lacks genuine love and unity, we have the chance to be living examples of Christ’s love. Let’s commit to being people known for our love – not just in what we say, but in what we do.

‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love’ Beautiful Violin Cover by Taryn Harbridge

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Verse of the Day

““Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Matthew 5:11-12