The Texas Rangers Give God the Glory After Historic Win in World Series

The Texas Rangers have clinched their first-ever World Series title, crediting their faith in God as a cornerstone of their success.

Texas Rangers win world series

As the celebrations ensued, the team’s devotion was prominent. Tony Beasley, a seasoned coach with the Rangers, was clear about the source of his gratitude: “Anyone that interviews me or gives me an opportunity to speak, God’s going to receive the glory,” he stated. This victory was not just about baseball; it was about something much larger for Beasley and his team.

Rookies Evan Carter and Josh Jung have been pivotal in the Rangers’ journey to the top. Despite joining the major league roster just before the postseason, Carter’s impact was immediate, “This is just an unbelievable experience… I’m blessed to be here,” he expressed. Jung overwhelmed by the emotions of the win, simply summing it up as, “Wow, we did it.”

Their feats on the field are notable, with an exceptional 11-0 record in road games, but it’s their off-the-field stories that resonate. Jung’s commitment to faith is boldly declared in his bio, identifying himself as a “Competitor for Christ,” a journey he embraced since his high school years. Meanwhile, Carter’s upbringing in a Christian family laid a foundation that kept him “grounded on the Lord,” as his youth minister, Jason Holly, attested.

Carter’s gratitude towards God was evident even before his major league debut, and he’s used his growing popularity to give back. Through the sale of “Jesus Won” T-shirts, he and his wife, Kaylen, support community programs in Carter County, TN. Kaylen herself professed, “All the glory to God. Without him, we wouldn’t be here.”

Pitcher Jose Leclerc, donning the same “Jesus Won” T-shirt, has also made his Christian faith evident throughout the series. This spiritual camaraderie has resonated with fans, many of whom commend the Rangers for their stance on faith and values, as reflected in their decision not to host an LGBT Pride night.

As the Texas Rangers celebrate their historic win, they stand united not just by their skill and determination, but by their faith that has guided them to the pinnacle of baseball glory.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,” — Colossians 3:23

Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

2 Corinthians 5:21