Officers Rescue A Helpless Kitten From Freeway

The Police and animal control officers worked together to rescue a helpless, scared kitten in Fort Worth, Texas.

officers rescue kitten

This terrified and defenseless kitten was spotted by these officers from a grate next to Interstate 20. “This little kitten was rescued from the shoulder of eastbound Interstate 20, near the Trail Lake Drive exit,” according to the Fort Worth’s Police report. It was a tabby cat and was obviously, hostile to humans when they first saw it.

It tried to hide and escape from the officers initially. They approached it slowly so that they could at the very least, touch it. It squirmed when one of them grabbed it. It was scared and uncomfortable. It only started to relax a bit when the female animal officer started to talk and affirmed what it was feeling. “I know I’m scared. It’s okay.” she said. It calmed down; It might have been pacified by her soothing voice and reassuring presence. She gently stroked its head and placed it in a secure cage at the back of their car.

It is now safely settled at Chuck Silcox Animal Care and Control Center. Fort Worth Police Department posted a video of the rescue on Facebook and it has rapidly gone viral. It already has more than 50k views and 1k reactions. Now, the department is in search of a suitable name for the adorable cat. They asked their followers for a suitable name for this charming kitten with bright, green eyes. Any suggestions?

Watch: Officers Rescue Kitten From Freeway

Kitten Rescue

This little kitten was rescued from the shoulder of eastbound Interstate 20, near the Trail Lake Drive exit. Officers and Animal Control brought the little kitten to safety and he is now in good hands at the Chuck Silcox Animal Care & Control Center.

What do you think we should name him?

Posted by Fort Worth Police Department on Friday, 15 October 2021

Thanks to people like these officers who were willing to go to a great extent to rescue this animal. People are similar to cats. When someone is exposed to danger and pain, he also tends to back off and protect himself. A reassuring presence and comforting words are needed to help a person bring his guard down. It’s not only cats who need love and acceptance, a lot of lost people are also in need of those. One just needs to intentionally find someone he can extend this kindness and love to.

“Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Verse of the Day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28