Texas Couple Give Stranded Delivery Driver Shelter From Unprecedented Winter Storm

As Texas faces its worst winter storm in decades, heartwarming acts of kindness from different parts of the state are helping keep the hope alive in people.

Now a Texas couple has come to the rescue of a delivery driver and given her shelter for almost a week after she was stranded in their driveway, during the brutal winter storm on Valentine’s Day. Chelsea Timmons took to Facebook to share about the incident when she was delivering groceries to the family in Austin last Sunday, and her car spun out of control while attempting to go down their steep driveway.


“I realized I had lost control of the car,” she said. “I just braced myself for impact as the car slide towards their home.” She managed to miss the home and ended up rolling into their flowerbed before hitting a tree stump. “I was able to get my car turned around but the slope was COVERED in ice and my wheels just spun and my car slide back down attempted after attempt,” she wrote.

Timmons said the couple, Nina Richardson and Doug Condon, tried to help her move the car but they were unsuccessful. The couple let her wait inside for AAA but the company said she was “inaccessible due to current conditions,” according to her Facebook post.

Timmons tried calling an Uber, Lyft, and taxi to take her to a nearby hotel but conditions worsened. So, Richardson and Condon offered her an extra room in the home which made her tear up. “These people let a complete STRANGER stay the night! Not only that but cooked me a STEAK DINNER! definitely not how I imagined my Valentine’s Day!” she wrote.

Day 5
Stranded with a Stranger

Story time. So if you know me, you know that on the weekend I work for delivery…

Posted by Chelsea Timmons on Thursday, 18 February 2021

The winter storm soon intensified and caused widespread power outages and bad roads so Timmons became a welcomed guest for six days. When she wanted to leave, they would say, “could you make it there safely?” “What would you eat?” “What if they lose power” or “Isn’t the guest room better than the Hampton Inn?” she said.

Timmons said she would go back to the guest room each morning and “shed tears of joy.” She wrote, “Beyond grateful that I have been able to find comfort with strangers during this unprecedented Winter Storm,” she said.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9