Dad Bursts Into Tears Of Joy As He Finds Out He’s Going To Be A Grandad

A dad got the best Father’s Day gift, when his daughter surprised him that he was going to be a grandad soon.


As Andelmo Aponte and his family were celebrating Father’s day, he received a goody bag from his daughter Cassandra Napier with a Chewbacca doll in it.

He was picking out his gift, when his daughter told him there was more to the teddy bear, as Aponte squeezed the bear, it said, ‘hey dad, I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Father’s day and to let you know that we’re having a baby’.

This dad’s priceless reaction to the news was captured on camera and shared with the entire world on social media.

Verse of the Day

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.””

John 4:24


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