5 Stories Of People Holding Onto Their Faith In Difficult Times

“When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). When Jesus will return back to the world will there be anyone with faith still there? We all need faith to live every moment of our lives and how wonderful this free gift of God is.

If you are finding it hard to hold on to your faith during these difficult and trying times, then the stories of five survivors holding on to their faith is going to encourage you in a big way today.

Fear, isolation, and sorrow are three words that describe these stories shared with I Am Second. They all speak of the hardships that these people went through and how faith helped them through their individual situations.

Never did their doubt that God would see them through their troubles and they did overcome their misfortunes, by God’s provision. At times they doubted and struggled but in spite of their physical impairments, some of which were permanent, they found a deeper sense of God.

Brian Birdwell, 9/11 Pentagon

While he was at work, there was a huge explosion as an American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the building where he was working. 60% of his body was burned to the 3rd degree and he was “burned beyond recognition.”

People were trying to help him up, but the physical pain was too much, he wanted God to just end his life. He even said goodbye to his son which made him realize how God must have felt saying goodbye to his son before the Resurrection.

After almost 40 reconstructive surgeries he survived and also ran for Texas State Senate.

Tyrone Flower, Gunshot

An innocent game of basketball turned ugly and Tyrone found himself and the other person arguing and getting ready for a fistfight. But it did not stop there and he heard a “deafening” shot but didn’t hear the other two shots, nor did he feel any pain as he was instantly paralyzed.

He chose God and knew his life would not be free of suffering, and in the end, he got both “peace and understanding.” Tyrone forgave the man who shot him even though others told him he was weak for not seeking revenge, but he felt empowered by his choice of love.

Annie Lobert, Sex Trafficking

Annie’s boyfriend doubled as a pimp and one day after she returned home from completing two calls, her boyfriend asked for her money. “Break yourself,” he told her. She refused him and the argument became violent after he and his goons attacked her.

She prayed to herself in the shower, “Jesus, please save me. I don’t know if you’re real, but I don’t wanna die.” Her body was badly injured, but not as much as her spirit. Still, God gave her a second. Now, she considers herself “redeemed.” Today she helps people trapped in the world of sex trafficking.

Bethany Hamilton, Shark Attack

In 2003, on Halloween, Bethany swam out further than others, looking for waves, suddenly a shark took her by the arm which resulted in her losing 60% of her blood before receiving emergency medical treatment.

A paramedic whispered to her, “God will never leave you, nor forsake you.” She still remembers that single moment as a moment of hope. She went on to recover and became a top surfer in America.

Sujo John, 9/11 Twin Towers

It was 8:40 am when Sujo was working at the fax machine when he heard an explosion. He then heard the next explosion and found himself surrounded by chaos, screaming, and fire. All he could think was, “Where was his wife?” She was in the other tower that fell.

Sujo was very worried and was preparing for the worst when his phone rang, but on the other end was his pregnant wife whose life was spared. That night they prayed and surrendered their lives to God.

Death and suffering can bring us to the point where we come to understand how much we need God. We hope these stories have brought you encouragement and made you realize how much you need God every moment of your lives.

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Verse of the Day

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.”

1 Timothy 2:5-6