Police Officer Pays It Forward To Young Store Clerk After Witnessing Act Of Kindness

An IMPD K9 Handler Officer Molly Groce made an appeal for people to pay it forward for a retail worker after she witnessed that worker’s huge act of kindness for someone.

Officer Molly Groce

Paying it forward

Groce decided to do show her gratitude to the retail worker as part of a “pay it forward” challenge. She found the gift she wanted to give him, and one day while she was doing her grocery shopping and loading her groceries, Groce decided to find out the name of the employee. “I actually already bought all of my groceries, but I am going back into the store to find out that employee’s name,” Groce said in a video.

Act of kindness

Groce had witnessed Caleb Harris helping a customer who was legally blind, Harris stayed with the customer, and guided his cart to help him do all of his shopping. “If I see someone that needs help, I am going to help them regardless. I feel like it’s part of my job,” Harris said.


The Gift

She can be seen nervously clutching the gift in her hand while approaching the store, “I am getting ready to pay it forward. I get so nervous,” Groce said in her video. “I am so nervous right now.” Groce had raised an amount of $5,000 for Caleb and then she asked him to step outside and surprised him with the gift. “As you can tell in the video, I didn’t know what to say. I was kind of taken aback,” Harris said.

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Pay it Forward Challenge Two!! . . In a year filled with a lot of chaos- we’ve been blessed to see a lot of good things from good people. Caleb is one of those good people. If you’re new here, this is our second Pay it Forward Challenge- Where we invite you guys to join in to appreciate someone’s hard work and kindness. For Round 1 we gave a big tip for a waitress. For Round 2, we ran into an awesome young man who works at Meijer. Cumulatively you came together to bless Caleb with $4,725! 😳❤️🙌 Please drop a line of encouragement for Mr. Caleb so I can pass them on to him. We don’t just want to give money, we want him to know he’s appreciated . Thank you to every one who donated. There’s really not words for what you guys pull together to do on here . . I hope you are inspired by a community that comes together to help someone else. Do we have plans for a round three? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope so❤️ #blesstheworld . . . . . . #payitforward #payitforwardchallenge #bekind #bekindalways #kindnessmatters #kindness #bethechange #bethechangeyouwanttosee #cometogether #somegoodnews #goodnews #goodnewsmovement #positivity

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The gift really came handy to Caleb Harris as he plans to use part of the money to buy a car and give a portion to his church and help others in need, including his mom who is fighting cancer and finished her last treatment of chemotherapy. “She’s doing really well,” Harris said. “She’s hanging in there. She’s doing really good.”


IMPD K9 Handler Officer Molly Groce paid it forward to a person who was helping people selflessly with no motive, this gift was really a big blessing for Caleb Harris.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11