9-Year-Old Sings His Heart for Jesus in 10,000 Reasons Performance

9-year-old Steven Samuel Devassy moves hearts with his beautiful performance of Matt Redman’s worship song ‘10,000 Reasons’.

Steven Samuel Devassy 10,000 reasons

The song ‘10,000 Reasons’ was written by Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin in 2011. Inspired by Psalm 103, the song helps us remember all the ways God blesses us each day, from sunrise to sunset.

When Steven sings, you can see the joy on his face as he sings about God’s goodness. The way he worships shows us how to praise God with an open heart, just like a child would.

Steven shows us that you’re never too young to praise God. His performance reminds us that God can use anyone to bring others closer to Him. If a nine-year-old can sing his heart out for Jesus, we can also use our gifts to praise God.

Let’s keep Steven in our prayers as he continues to grow in his faith and musical journey, that God will protect his pure heart of worship and use him mightily for His kingdom.

WATCH: 9-Year-Old Steven Samuel Devassy Sings Stunning Cover of 10,000 Reasons

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Verse of the Day

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9