Shocked Grandma Throws Her Drinks After Seeing Military Granddaughter At The Door

Guess this grandma has been drinking a lot of coffee these days. She was shocked and dropped her drinks after seeing her military granddaughter at home after being away from her for six months.


Lindsey, 18, was deployed in North Carolina and Virginia for several months. This US Army Private First Class flew to Rock Island, Illinois to give her grandma a pleasant surprise.

She was behind the door with a bouquet in her hand, waiting for her loving grandma, Kathy Elceser, to come in. When she opened the door, Kathy was so surprised to see her. She shrieked in delight, but unfortunately, threw up the drinks she was holding.

Oblivious to the mess she made, she immediately hugged “her Lindsey.” Everyone in the family cheered on the side, obviously happy to give their beloved Kathy an unexpected gift.

“My grandma and I are really close – we hang out a lot, some days I just come over unannounced if I see that her car is home,” Lindsey said.

This heartwarming reunion was uploaded on Social media. As expected, it went viral after warming probably, millions of hearts. “It was an overwhelming response, truthfully, I didn’t expect it to end up like it did,” Lindsey added.

The touching reunion was planned by Lindsey’s sister, Jamie. She also posted the video online. While Kathy was away, Jamie let her sister hide in the kitchen. Then, everyone stood on their posts with their phones to film the memorable reunion.

Thank you to this young, brave soldier for serving people. A big thanks to her family also, for loving and supporting her as she serves the nation.

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Verse of the Day

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28