Military Dad Is Wrapped In Hugs By Baby Daughters After Surprise Homecoming

A surprise homecoming of a military soldier had his two daughters jumping for joy.

military dad surprises daughters

David Fulcher spent five months away from his family on military duty and was looking forward to meeting his family.

The soldier came home but had another task on hand- to find his two daughters.

His wife, Mackenzie, flew to Texas to meet him before they flew back to their home in Cincinnati, Ohio.

She filmed the video of them arriving at the house and started looking for their daughters Eleanor, 3, and Isla, 2.

As David makes his way through the yard, he finds them by the garage. “Daddy! Daddy!” the girls exclaim as their dad wraps them up in a big hug.

What relief and excitement the family especially the girls must be feeling seeing daddy back home.

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Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,”

Philippians 1:29