Truck With Brake Failure Narrowly Misses School Bus Loaded With Children

A truck driver experiencing brake failure in Ohio saw the hand of God move and save him from hitting a school bus that was packed with students.


It would have been a tragedy like no other if the 80,000-pound tractor-trailer had rammed into the bus but we praise God for His mercy and grace towards those innocent children inside that school bus.

The safety of the children was on everyone’s minds and that’s why all the vehicles came to a halt for the school bus to make a stop, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for the truck to stop no matter how hard the driver worked on the brake pedal.

The driver starts to shout frantically, “Stop, stop, stop,” as the truck looks like it’s going to either collide with the back of the school bus or ram into a pickup truck there, only the Lord could help avert such a dangerous situation.

At that dangerous time, the truck driver got the divine wisdom to start down-shifting the truck to slow down the vehicle and kept blowing his horn to warn others about his situation. But he needed a real miracle to avoid a catastrophe.

One woman who was on the bus and seemed alarmed at the situation even shouted out, “Oh good God, he ain’t gonna make it!” But the truck managed to swerve around the bus and avoided colliding with other vehicles on the road in what is being hailed as a miracle of God.

WATCH: Truck With Brake Failure Caught On Camera

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A video of the incident showing the nail-biting moment when the heroic truck driver averted the collision drew praise from Montville Police Chief, Matt Neil who said, “He did an excellent job in fifteen seconds he had to put that 80,000-pound rig somewhere, and he was able to thread that needle and do it without injuring or hitting anything,”

We are sure that this was not possible without divine intervention because for such a large vehicle to perfectly fit into such a little gap in the traffic, it would definitely need the hand of God.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9