Sea Lion Jumps On Man’s Kayak And Poses For A Snap

It was the most unlikely of friendships when a sea lion jumped on to a man’s kayak and both of them instantly took a liking to one another and became best of friends. The sea lion and the man can be seen hugging and even kissing each other, this is no trained pet but is a wild beast, but it is behaving like a well groomed dog!

Vincent Fejeran is the man who was was fishing on his kayak near the Coronado Bridge in San Diego, California when the sea lion pup jumped onto his kayak and refused to leave him. They even clicked pictures together and a cute video together which shows the seas lion resting it’s head on Fejeran’s shoulder.

Fejeran says in the video, “Anybody looking for a seal? I seem to have acquired one.” He initially thought the sea lion to be a small seal and it took such a longing to him that it did not want to return to the water, but Ferejan returned it to the water where it belonged.

That was one of the cutest videos we have seen this year and have all the admiration for Fejeran, who behaved like a perfect gentleman with the sea lion.

Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4