Scott Hamilton Shares Powerful Testimony on Faith After Surviving Multiple Cancers

Scott Hamilton, the legendary figure skater, inspires people both on and off the ice. While many know him for his gold medal win at the 1984 Winter Olympics and the hugely successful Stars on Ice tour, a deeper look reveals a man whose faith has guided him through life’s triumphs and challenges.

Scott Hamilton testimony

Scott’s journey began with hardship. Adopted as a baby, he faced health struggles that left doctors baffled. His growth stunted, the emotional and financial strain impacted his family.

During this difficult time, Scott found an outlet in ice skating. It wasn’t just a source of joy, but a place where he could defy limitations and, remarkably, begin to grow physically. His faith played a role even then, with his mother, Dorothy, a constant source of encouragement. She’d tell their neighbors, “We’re going to the Olympics someday!”

Tragedy struck in 1977 when Dorothy passed away from cancer. Heartbroken, Scott could have faltered. But her memory fueled his determination. He took his training to heart, and his skating career flourished.

Life threw more curveballs. Scott faced health challenges, including benign brain tumors. Even in these challenging moments, he chose to trust in God.

Scott’s first battle with cancer came in 1997, when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. After successfully overcoming it, his perspective on life was forever changed. “I realized life was precious…I wanted to be an activist.”

Scott established Scott Hamilton CARES, a non-profit dedicated to cancer research, and The 4th Angel, a program that connects newly diagnosed patients with cancer survivors.

“I wanted to change people’s experience with cancer.”

Scott married Tracie in 2002. She became a pillar of strength and a source of inspiration for a deeper relationship with God. Together, they built a beautiful family, even adopting siblings who had lost their parents in the Haiti earthquake.

However, he faced another health challenge in 2004—a benign brain tumor, and a biopsy revealed it had been present since birth. According to Scott, this diagnosis was a turning point in his faith.

He credits his wife Tracie for inspiring him to attend church regularly, and it was there that “everything connected.” He realized that the challenges he had faced throughout his life were not random occurrences, but part of God’s plan.

“When you’re skating in front of millions, you pray. When you’re diagnosed with cancer, you pray. But when we started going to church together, it connected the dots for me. I knew all the things that had happened to me weren’t accidental.”

In 2010, the cancer returned. This time, Scott underwent 9 surgeries to treat the benign tumor. However, when doctors discovered another benign tumor in 2016, Scott felt a different calling.

In his words, he chose to “go home” and “get strong” rather than pursue further medical intervention. This decision was rooted in his faith and a desire to focus on living a quality life.

Scott’s unwavering faith did not go unanswered. At a follow-up appointment, his doctors discovered that the tumor had not grown! Three months later, it had shrunk by a remarkable 45%! Scott’s surgeon attributed this to one thing: God.

While the tumor has fluctuated in size over the years, Scott chooses not to dwell on it. He credits his faith for giving him the strength to live a full life and to use his platform to help others.

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Verse of the Day

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.””

Joshua 1:9