Former Satanist Finds Jesus’ Love Inside Prison And It Transforms His Life Forever

In the heart of prison walls, a story of transformation unfolds. God Behind Bars, a ministry, witnesses miracles that show God’s power to change lives.

One of these miracles is Daniel, a former Satanist who found redemption and now lives passionately for the Lord.

satanist turned Christian

Daniel was deeply involved in a Satanic cult, which brought danger to him and his family.

“I am in prison for a very long time,” Daniel says. “God has delivered me from gang-banging, from being on drugs, and being in a satanic cult that I’ve never seen anybody get out of.”

His involvement with the cult was not just a personal peril but also a threat to his loved ones.

A turning point came through divine intervention. Daniel describes experiencing signs, wonders, and miracles that led him away from the cult’s darkness.

“It was very dangerous for me and my family, but the Lord did many signs and wonders and miracles and revealed Himself to me, and I went from targeting demons to now casting them out.”

Even in prison, Daniel’s faith grows. He speaks with love for Jesus, often moved to tears by His name.

“When I hear the name of Jesus, it makes me cry. Somebody told me I praise God too much! I thank God for it all. There’s lots of things I’ve seen God do that nobody else can do.”

Daniel’s journey out of the occult and his newfound freedom in Christ is nothing short of miraculous.

Daniel acknowledges his past mistakes but focuses on his freedom and purpose in God.

“About a year ago is when God took me out of the satanic cult,” he shared. “I had been with the Lord before that, but I backslid and wasn’t involved in church anymore, so it was an accident that I became part of [the cult] when I was trying to learn deeper things.”

Daniel’s story underscores that even when we stray, God’s love and mercy guide us back.

God Behind Bars, the ministry that helped Daniel, aims to restore inmates’ lives by building their faith. “We create satellite campuses in prisons and our whole mission is to introduce inmates to Jesus,” says Isaac Holt, Director of Innovation for God Behind Bars.

This ministry works to reach over 2.3 million people in the prison system, bringing hope and light into dark places.

In 2021, God Behind Bars launched the PandoApp, a faith-based app providing prisoners access to worship music and sermons via a tablet. This approach helps inmates stay connected to their faith through worship and the Word of God.

The ministry’s goal is clear: to win souls for the Kingdom of God and provide ongoing outreach that brings hope to those in need.

“I’ve seen the glory of God,” David told the ministry. “There is nobody greater. There is nobody more powerful, nobody more dangerous, which is good when you need a warrior on your side. He is a man of battle, for real.”

Daniel’s journey reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Even in the darkest times, God’s light can shine through, bringing new beginnings.

2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” Daniel’s transformation is a living testament to this truth.

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Verse of the Day

“The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.”

Psalm 25:14-15