Sanitation Worker’s Kind Gesture to a Young Boy Battling Cancer Returns to Him Four Years Later

Four years ago, a sanitation worker in Memphis went above and beyond to brighten a sick child’s day, but he never imagined that same family would become a beacon of light during his own dark days.

sanitation worker act of kindness

God works in wonderful ways to show His love through people who come into our lives at the right time. Sometimes the friendships we build while helping others become the very support system we need later in life, showing us how God’s timing is perfect in every situation.

At a time when young Grayson Horne was fighting a brain tumor, Bill Starnes and his fellow sanitation workers made it their mission to bring joy to his difficult days. Every Wednesday, without fail, they would stop their garbage truck at the end of their route to spend time with Grayson.

The bond between the Horne family and Mr. Bill grew stronger with each visit. Christin, Grayson’s mother, watched as her sons Gavin, Gage, and Grayson lit up every time the garbage truck approached their house. These weekly visits brought a sense of normal life during a time filled with medical appointments and uncertainty.

Two years after WREG first honored Mr. Bill’s kindness through their “Pass It On” program, life took an unexpected turn. When Mr. Bill faced serious health issues that kept him from working, WREG and the Horne family planned a special visit to his home. The moment Mr. Bill saw Christin and her boys at his doorstep, he broke down in tears, overwhelmed by their presence.

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Christin spoke with deep empathy about understanding his inability to work and the challenges he faced. In a touching moment, she presented him with $600 – $300 from WREG and another $300 from an anonymous donor who wanted to help.

What followed captured the true spirit of their bond – Christin and Mr. Bill shared a heartfelt hug, during which she reminded him of the encouraging words he once spoke to her family during their own difficult times, assuring him that everything would be okay.

“You never know who will become your family,” Christin said, speaking about their deep connection. Her words show how God brings people into our lives in the most unexpected ways, turning strangers into family through acts of kindness.

Even as he deals with his illness, Mr. Bill keeps his faith strong. He finds comfort in the support from both his own family and the Horne family, who have become just as dear to him. His words capture the beauty of this relationship: “That’s what family is like. That’s what we do. We always pass something on and they pass love. And I know it’s going to be alright.”

God often brings people into our lives for reasons we don’t understand at first. The friendship between Mr. Bill and the Horne family reminds us to be kind to everyone we meet because we never know how God might use those relationships in the future.

Let’s keep Mr. Bill in our prayers as he faces his health challenges, asking God to heal him and continue blessing both families as they support each other.

Watch the heartwarming story below.

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Verse of the Day

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2


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