A little boy from Massachusetts is encouraging all of us with an uplifting message that we need to hear immediately.

4-year-old, Rylyn Clark, shared a song with millions of people on social media amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Newburyport native sang Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” on video, which was put out on Facebook by Kathleen Nicholson on April 2.
She wrote, “This sweet boy is a friend of a friends nephew!! I can’t stop watching, he is beyond adorable and just what we all need! He is Rylyn Clark aged 4. You can follow him on Instagram @ryclarkie #dontworry #everylittlethingsgonnabealright”
Listen to how this little boy sings with all sincerity as if he means every word he sings. God bless Rylyn Clark as he spreads light and positivity all over the world with his song.