7-Year-Old Orphan Was About To Die, But The Kindness Of a Stranger Saved His Life


When Ryan was 7-years-old, he just weighed 8-pounds. He was living in a Bulgarian orphanage, but no one was there to care for him. He was near death due to serious malnutrition problems. However God sent an angel to save his life.


Priscilla Morse was browsing through her Facebook in June 2014, when she saw the heartbreaking photo of a skeletal boy on an adoption page. She and her husband made a quick decision to adopt the boy. The couple have two biological sons of their own and a seven-year-old girl who they adopted from Russia in 2012. She has Down syndrome and congenital heart defect.


In October 2015, Morse and her husband flew out to Bulgaria to finalize Ryan’s adoption. At that time, the 7-year-old who weighed just 8-pounds was covered in hair, a clear sign of malnutrition. They feared he would die before the paperwork completes.

The couple took the starving boy to Tennessee and rushed him to hospital. Ryan had refeeding syndrome and the doctors also discovered, he has cerebral palsy, dwarfism, microcephaly, scoliosis, severely clubbed feet, and special needs he may have developed in the orphanage. They were able to fit him with a feeding tube. Since then Ryan has gained 15 pounds and Priscilla said their adopted son is getting better everyday. Ryan still need years to fully recover from the psychological damage he may have developed in the orphanage.


The 8-year-old is now a happy, giggly and active boy. He has started to make sounds, laugh and even move. This beautiful couple urges others not to overlook adopting kids with special needs.

Verse of the Day

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.”

1 Timothy 2:5-6