Arizona Pizzeria Owner Who Received $2,000 From Anonymous Customer, Pays It Forward By Paying Off Employee Bills

A pizzeria in Prescott, Arizona was given $2000 by a generous patron and he has decided to pay it forward to staff at the restaurant.


Skyler Reeves, owner of Rosa’s Pizzeria, was handed a white envelope with his name on it by a woman, and before she could say anything, she was gone.

Reeves was busy with orders for pickup and delivery at the restaurant, which serves Sicilian and Southern-Italian food, and New York-style pizza, when he found $2,000 in cash along with a note in the envelope.

“Hi there, As a neighbor and lover of Rosa’s, please accept the enclosed and use it as you see fit for your staff,” the anonymous customer wrote.


“The hairs on my arm literally stood up,” Reeves said, “I was just so touched with all the craziness going on.”

He was overwhelmed with emotion, because of the setback caused by the virus to his restaurant business. He was about to consolidate his three Prescott-area restaurants, pause his catering company and stop construction on his newest restaurant set to open next month. He had to lay off half of his 100-person staff, many of whom are friends.

Skyler Reeves, Rosa’s Pizzeria owner

Now, Reeves has asked his employees to bring him the bill that stresses them out the most and he will use this money, along with his personal funds, to help pay it.

He says that as a Midwest native, who spent a few years in Los Angeles, this whole experience has increased his love for his small-town community. “It was just such a Prescott thing to do,” he said. “I’ll remember this moment forever.”

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11