Robber Returns Money To Terrified Woman After Seeing Her Bank Account Was Empty

A robbery in China took a bizarre turn when a mugger returned back the money he had snatched from the victim.

CCTV footage at an ATM captured in China’s Guangdong province, shows the robber having a change of heart, when he asked the lady to show him her account balance, and she had a zero balance left in her account.

The mugger must have felt sorry for her and returned back the money to her.

The thief has been identified as Deng, who threatened the poor lady with a knife and took RMB2,500, from her and then asked her to get more money from the ATM, the horrified victim had no option but to oblige him. But as soon as it was revealed she had zero balance left, the crook gave her back the cash and left with a smile on his face.

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Verse of the Day

“[Ask, Seek, Knock] “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Matthew 7:7-8