Muslim Girl Wanted To Join ISIS, But Jesus Changed Her Life Forever

Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.

Many of us are familiar with this Bible passage which reminds us that the battles we fight in life are not only physical ones but also spiritual.

This is the story of Rita Chaima, a depressed and suicidal Muslim woman who wanted to join ISIS and watch Christians die, now she shares her testimony of how Jesus delivered her from demons when she took water baptism. Hallelujah!

Testimony of Rita Chaima

Rita Chaima

“When I was a little girl, I always asked myself, what am I doing in this world because I just saw a cruel world, and I didn’t want to be a part of it,” said Rita in a documentary entitled “In His Footsteps” by The Last Reformation.

All that Rita saw around her was darkness, which brought in depression and hatred for herself and humanity. “When I grew up, I started to be really bad. I was hurting a lot and I hurt people because of it.

“I tried to kill myself three times, I was doing drugs, I was smoking, I was smoking anything… I just wanted to destroy myself.”

She was being influenced by a muslim friend during this turbulent time in her life and Rita decided she wanted to go to Syria to join ISIS.

“I wanted to go to Syria because I hated people who weren’t Muslim. I wanted to kill them. I was bound to dangerous things. I loved to see people dying. I loved to see them bleeding. I would see videos of decapitation and loved it on the Internet, and yeah it was my life.”

But God intervened because He had a different plan for her life and when Rita’s mother brought home a stack of free books home for her, one of those was a Bible.

The hatred for Christians in her made her read this so-called infallible book and she ended up poring over the pages of Scripture day and night.

From a mess to a message

Rita Chaima testimony

Rita says, “I started to read the Bible to prove to Christians that they were wrong,” said Rita. “But I was wrong! And the grace of Jesus Christ started to touch me.”

Her mind was full of negative thoughts about what she was reading but her heart couldn’t resist the beautiful scripture verses she was reading.

“I was reading things like ‘pray for your enemies,’ ‘love them,’ and I was someone who wanted to kill them… Intellectually, I didn’t want to accept Jesus, but Jesus started to do a work in my heart.”

It soon led to Rita wanting to receive Jesus Christ into her heart and giving up her muslim faith. When She informed her family of her decision to follow Jesus, they disowned her, but thankfully, Rita had found a new family.

“Today my family abandoned me. I am alone, I have no home. My family abandoned me, but I have a new family, and this family is all around the world, and it’s my family in Christ.”

Finding a new family in Christ

When Rita Chaima was getting baptized, she experienced a manifestation of the supernatural when a demon took over her body and started manifesting within her.

“When I got baptized in the water a demon manifested, and it wasn’t me at all. I don’t remember what I did. I had to see in the video of my baptism. I was completely crazy. The demon was crazy. It wasn’t me. I kicked Jon. He baptized me. I kicked him, and I said sorry.”

As the demon kept screaming and fighting, Jon took over and spoke life into Rita and commanded the demon to flee in the name of Jesus. An unexplainable peace washed over Rita, and she felt the evil presence leave her.

Delivered from Demons on Camera

MIRACLE: She Wanted to Join ISIS, Met Jesus Instead, and Got Delivered from Demons ON CAMERA!

Posted by CBN News on Saturday, 9 December 2017

“After the baptism, I felt like the heavyweight completely disappeared,” she explained. “And I was so excited to go and make disciples.”

Rita wants to go and tell everyone about Jesus, even the ones who persecute her because of her new faith, “I started to want to talk about Jesus to everyone, even to the people who led me to terrorism. I wanted to go and see them, tell them that they are wrong, and that love is waiting for them.”

Now, Rita Chaima is sharing her testimony with everyone along with gospel minister Peter Ahlman, and her brothers and sisters in Christ.

Verse of the Day

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39