Little Girl Creates Motivational Posters to Help a Weak Bee Recover

A young girl in Scotland captured hearts by rescuing and nursing a bee back to health with honey and self-made motivational posters.

rescued bee motivational posters

We often don’t realize how much small acts of kindness can matter. Every day, we can make a difference, even in little ways. This story shows that our creativity and compassion can help others, even tiny creatures like bees.

Willow McMurray, a 9-year-old girl from Scotland, found a bee lying weak on its back on a piece of wood at her family’s allotment. She quickly sprang into action to save it.

Willow used a small shovel to scoop the bee into a container. With her mother’s help, she offered the bee a choice of honey or sugar water, and the bee chose the honey.

As the bee began to regain strength, Willow even managed to pet it gently. She wanted to lift the bee’s spirits, so she created motivational posters with messages like “You can do this” and “Keep going,” along with hand-drawn images of bees.

little girl saves bee

Willow’s mother, Anouska Curzon, shared a heartwarming photo of the recovering bee next to the posters on social media. The post quickly gained admiration and praise from users worldwide.

Despite Willow’s hope to keep the bee as a pet, it eventually regained enough strength to fly away. Although disappointed, Willow’s actions stood as a beautiful testament to the impact of small acts of kindness.

Willow named the bee Honey during the time she spent with it, even though it wasn’t a honeybee. She planned to build a terrarium for it if it stayed. Willow’s mother shared her daughter’s heroic act on social media, which was viewed by more than a million people.

willow mcmurray saves bee

Many users left encouraging comments like “You’ve broken the internet” and “You have such a good kid.” Some even made bee puns such as “Don’t stop Bee-leaving” and “Bee brave! Beelieve in yourself!”

Willow’s mother said, “(Willow) loves drawing and making comic books and posters, so this was something that was very Willow to have done.” She added, “It was just really sweet and we were just really overwhelmed by the reaction to the story. It’s gone very much global and everyone seems to think it’s adorable – somebody even described it as a timeline cleanser.”

Verse of the Day

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39