NFL Legend Turns Hall of Fame Speech into Powerful Gospel Message

Randy Gradishar, a former Denver Broncos linebacker, used his NFL Hall of Fame acceptance speech to share his faith journey and the gospel message.

randy gradishar hall of fame speech

As believers, we often look for ways to share our faith. Sometimes, God opens doors in unexpected places. Gradishar’s speech shows how even a football celebration can become a platform for sharing God’s love.

Gradishar, known for his role in the Denver Broncos’ “Orange Crush” defense of the 1970s, began his speech by thanking key people in his life. He mentioned his wife Beth and Pastor Jeff Leeds from Brave Church in Denver, calling them his “key prayer warriors.”

The football star then shared a pivotal moment from his college days. Archie Griffin, a fellow Ohio State player, invited him to a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bible study. Gradishar said this was “the best invitation I’ve ever had.” Despite growing up in church, he had never heard the gospel clearly explained before.

At that meeting in 1974, 22-year-old Gradishar accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He then shared the four truths he learned that day:

  • “God created mankind in his image, and that comes from Genesis 1:27. God loves us and offers a plan for our life.”
  • “Mankind’s problems are from Romans 3:23 that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Therefore we cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives.”
  • “God made a way out of John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, the darkest day in history and Jesus’ resurrection earned Jesus the right to proclaim, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the father but through me.’ That’s out of John 14:6.
  • “Salvation requires turning to God. Repent of our sins, accept his forgiveness, and ask Jesus by faith to be your personal Lord and Savior. This is the only way to be right with God and to live out his plans for our our life, not ours.”

Gradishar didn’t just talk about his faith. He also honored people who shaped his life and career. He spoke warmly about his parents, Jim and Ann, from Champion, Ohio. He learned valuable lessons watching his dad run the family grocery store, especially how to treat people with kindness and respect.

The new Hall of Famer also mentioned his high school and college coaches. He praised Woody Hayes, his Ohio State coach, for teaching him to “pay forward” and serve others. This philosophy clearly influenced Gradishar’s life beyond football.

Gradishar faced challenges too. He lost his father suddenly at age 60. He also suffered a serious knee injury in college that threatened his football dreams. But through it all, his faith remained strong.

He also acknowledged NFL coaches who believed in him, including John Ralston, Red Miller, Dan Reeves, and Joe Collier. Gradishar especially praised Collier’s leadership and mentorship.

Near the end of his speech, Gradishar shared his favorite Bible verse, Colossians 3:23-24. It talks about working for God, not for earthly rewards. He explained that this means focusing on eternal things, not temporary success or recognition.

Gradishar closed by dedicating his Hall of Fame induction to Jesus Christ. He said, “I dedicate my Pro Football Hall of Fame 2024 induction to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me his life so I could be built to last.” This powerful statement tied his football achievement to his faith in a beautiful way.

This speech reminds us that God can use anyone, anywhere, to share His message. Whether we’re on a big stage or just talking to a neighbor, we all have chances to tell others about God’s love.

Let’s pray for more people like Gradishar to use their public platforms to share their faith. And let’s look for our own opportunities to tell others about Jesus, no matter where we are.

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23