Prayer For The Salvation Of Our Families


Father God I come again today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, crying out for mercy for those of my family members that are backslidden and unsaved. I take up my authority as a son of God, seated in heavenly places and I make war against everything that has bound them, blinded them and hardened their heart towards the call of Your love Lord Jesus Christ to repent and be saved.

I stand in the gap on their behalf for any generational sins and family behaviours that have grieved your Holy Spirit, mocked the things of God and rebelled against your conviction of sin. I repent for any cultural belief systems, mottos and family vows that have bound them to the world or given power to the evil one. I rebuke you satan off my family and my love ones and I claim them all for the kingdom of God. I claim them saved, healed and delivered and serving the living God, the Lord Jesus Christ with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength in Jesus name.

I pray that you would break the scales off their eyes and open every prison door in their heart and draw them towards Yourself Father God in Jesus name. I pray for the release of angels to work in their circumstances to bring them to a place of encounter with You and with other Christians, and that they may hear the wonderful good news of Your gift of salvation, Your healing and delivering power in Jesus name.

I make a demand on the blood of Jesus that was shed for their sins and I apply it over them praying that you will move in the midst of every work of rebellion, condemnation, accusation, guilt, shame and rejection and tug on their hearts till they bow their knees to Your will and purpose in their lives.

I give You praise Father God and thank You that you wish that none would perish but that all would come to repentance and eternal life. I pray all these things believing that You have heard my prayer and that I have the desire of my heart in Jesus name amen.

Verse of the Day

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

2 Corinthians 5:21