2 Police Officers Stop To Help Homeless Man Living In His Jeep During A Cold Night

These two police officers from Meriden, Connecticut, are indeed a breath of fresh air for this struggling homeless man.


Officers Ericka Garcia and Shelby Saleeba were on their shift early Saturday morning. They noticed a man sleeping at the wheel of a gas pump at Cumberland Farms on Broad Street.

They found out that he was not intoxicated but homeless. He was living in his Jeep. The officers immediately took matters into their hands and gave him a care package from Rushford. Also, they filled up his tank, paid for his gas, and gave him food.

This kind gesture was indeed above and beyond their duty as police officers. But they did it just the same. This act was what this homeless man needed, especially when the temperature dropped down to a single digit.

“Neither officer sought recognition; rather, a Sergeant happened to pass by and stop to check on the officers,” the Meriden Police Department Facebook’s account stated. This ‘good cop story’ was well-received by its followers, and it now has more than a thousand likes and a lot of positive comments.

In a world full of negativity, it is always nice to learn of some of the compassionate efforts of our officers. Two of…

Posted by Meriden Police Department on Wednesday, 26 January 2022

One wrote, “Great job Officer Erica and Officer Shelby. Human kindness at its best. Thank you for caring, and thank you for your service.”

Another one posted, “That’s totally awesome and I think they definitely need to be recognized for doing this because with all the negativity about police officers in the news reports, something positive may help a little. Great job ladies and thank you both for your service to the City of Meriden. Stay safe!”

Kudos to these men and women in uniform who not only protect the community but also are ready to go the extra mile when needed.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9