Quick-Thinking Officer Saves Newborn After Dramatic Roadside Birth

In Deming, New Mexico, a routine patrol for Officer Ismael Perez turned into a life-saving mission when he responded to a 911 call about a baby born in a car.

police officer saves newborn baby

Miguel Covarrubias and his pregnant wife were rushing to the hospital when their baby decided to make an early entrance. “She’s like, ‘I can feel the baby coming I can feel the head pushing,'” Miguel said. Despite his assurances of “OK hold on we’re almost there,” the baby was born before they reached the hospital.

Officer Perez, alerted by the urgent 911 call, spotted Covarrubias speeding and running a red light. Following him to the emergency room entrance, Perez quickly discovered the dire situation. The baby wasn’t breathing due to a compressed umbilical cord.

The tense moments that ensued were captured on Perez’s body camera. He can be distinctly heard saying, “Go get the nurse, tell them to hurry up, state police is on scene.” Remembering what doctors did for his own children at birth, Perez tapped the newborn’s back, a move that prompted the baby to cry. “I have three kids of my own… So I did the same thing,” he later shared.

Now safe at home with their baby, Miguel Jr., the grateful parents are in awe of Officer Perez’s timely help. “I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do. And for him to jump into action the way he did and help me out, I just — just thank you,” Miguel expressed.

This remarkable story showcases the serendipity of Officer Perez being at the right spot at the right time, combining his professional duty with a compassionate heart.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

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Verse of the Day

“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”

Isaiah 55:6