Police Officer Stops Speeding Car, Ends Up Saving Baby’s Life

In an event that has struck the hearts of many, a police officer in Warren, Michigan, became an instant hero after saving the life of an 18-month-old boy who had stopped breathing. The extraordinary episode took place on the evening of August 29, with Officer Brandan Fraser’s quick actions capturing the attention of the nation.

police officer saves choking baby michigan

Fraser was patrolling for speed and distracted driving when he noticed a Chevrolet Camaro zoom past him. What could have been mistaken for a routine traffic violation quickly escalated into a life-and-death situation.

Upon catching up to the vehicle, Fraser was met with a chilling cry from the child’s mother: “We got a baby in here dying. Help! Help!” The mother and the uncle were visibly panicked as they handed over the baby boy who wasn’t breathing and was turning blue.

Rather than freeze under the intense pressure, Officer Fraser acted swiftly and decisively. He said, “I look inside, and there’s a child that’s having some kind of medical emergency when the uncle hands him over to me.” Fraser noted that the baby had ‘spit and all types of saliva around his mouth,’ which led him to suspect the child was choking.

Positioning the baby on his forearm, Fraser administered a couple of back blows to dislodge whatever was obstructing the child’s airway. He said, “It looked like he was maybe choking, so I put him on my forearm, and I administered a couple of back blows to him when I felt some saliva and vomit fall onto my arm.”

What happened next could only be described as miraculous: the baby started breathing again. In Fraser’s own words, “The child started breathing, and you saw that color started coming back around its lips. You realized that something happened here, and we’re heading in the right direction.”

The child was immediately transported to a nearby hospital, where he was reported to be doing fine, concluding a situation that could have had a far more tragic outcome. Officer Fraser humbly acknowledged the weight of the situation, expressing that the positive conclusion was “a big relief.”

The incident is a compelling reminder that heroes are indeed among us, especially in the form of first responders like Officer Fraser. It reaffirms that our God is always with us, who guides us through even the most terrifying moments of our lives.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

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Verse of the Day

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:4

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