Police Officer Gives His New Bike To Theft Victim Who Called Him A ‘Godsend’

Our police officers are facing heavy scrutiny and calls for police defunding are growing louder by the day, but even then there are so many heartwarming stories of police kindness on social media every day.

Stolen bike


Hapeville Officer Rowe was working an off-duty job on Saturday when he spotted Craig Magby returning home from work on foot. He said, “He was kind of hot and sweaty. We got to talking and he was explaining to me that he normally rides his bike home from work, and it was recently stolen from him. Since the bike was stolen, he gets himself back and forth to work by walking.”

Someone stole the Walmart employee’s new bike and lock which he used to commute to work back and forth and would always lock it. “I came out the store, had my groceries in hand was expecting to go home on my bike. I got to the area where I had parked and locked my bike and my bike was gone,” Magby said.

Act of kindness


Officer Rowe’s mind immediately wandered to his new bike purchased just a few months ago for a camping trip, but it was just sitting in his driveway. “When he told me his bike was taken from him I didn’t say anything to him, but I immediately knew I was going to bring that bike to him, and give it to him in hopes he could use it” the officer said.


Officer Rowe gave Magby his bike, replacing the one that was stolen. The officer explained, “When I saw something that I had that I wasn’t using, and there was somebody that desperately could use it every day, I knew that I had to make that happen for him. It was just part of the way I was raised, the way I was brought up, to give back and to give where I can.”


Magby is more than grateful for it and said the officer is a Godsend. “I had talked to God about it. He was like consider it done and he sent Officer Rowe my way. I’m grateful, thankful,” Magby said.

Verse of the Day

“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.”

Proverbs 14:22