Police Chief Gets Down On Knee To Comfort Terrified Little Girl

There is a general perception of the police that they are heartless and don’t really care about people, but that is not the truth. The mainstream media do not show us all the heartwarming stories of police kindness that are happening all over the country, like this incredible one we are bringing to you today.

When officers from Morrow, Georgia, Police Department pulled over and arrested a driver for speeding on Tuesday, they did not know that it would spark an outpouring of love for them from the public after a picture of the incident was circulated on social media.


The driver who was arrested for distracted driving and speeding was having an argument with the officers who stopped him, according to a post by Kaitlyn Ross with WXIA-TV. Bystander Sam Juarez noticed a woman and her daughter sitting inside the car, and the little girl looked shaken as her mom’s boyfriend was having a heated argument with the cops after getting arrested.

Then more officers started arriving on the scene and along with them came the interim Police Chief David Snively who immediately noticed the distraught little girl and he showed his compassionate side by going down on one knew and speaking comforting words to her.

The police department shared a post on the interaction writing, “Late this afternoon, Interim Chief Snively responded to assist an officer with the arrest of a motorist,” the police department wrote. “Also in the vehicle were a little girl and her mother. While the mother spoke with officers, Chief Snively noticed the child crying.

The post went on to say, “He knelt and comforted her, answering her questions and explaining what was happening — all without knowing this photo was being taken,” the Facebook post said. “Interactions like this happen every day, at every level of our department; and we’re proud that a community member thought to take this picture and share it with us!”

Unknown to the police chief and department, a member of the community clicked a picture of the heartwarming moment shared between the police chief and the little girl and sent it to the police department and when Snively received the pic he shared his own reaction to it.

You know it’s always sad to see the little one’s in tears when one of their parents gets arrested. Today was one of…

Posted by Sam Juarez on Tuesday, 28 June 2022

“Today was a hard day, but late this afternoon I was right where I needed to be,” he wrote on LinkedIn. “This little girl walked confidently up to me during a traffic stop, fighting back tears as she asked me if her mom’s boyfriend — who was being arrested — would ever come home.

“It ripped my heart out. I promised her that he was safe and that he would be home soon. She nodded, then wrapped her little arms around me, laid her head on my shoulder, and sobbed.

“I was both saddened by the moment and encouraged that she felt safe with me; it was a terrible, beautiful moment. I had no idea this picture was taken until it was sent to me several hours later.

“There are many things in my life beyond my understanding, plenty of failures and disappointments. But one thing has been always clear to me: I know my purpose on this earth. Today, God put me in a place to use it, and I am certain that sweet little girl did more for me than I could have done for her.”

What an amazing act of kindness this was by the police chief who as a parent himself could sense the pain and anguish the little girl was going through during that difficult time. Let us also learn to be sensitive to the pain and suffering of others around us and go the extra mile to be with them and comfort them, just like Christ told us to do.

Verse of the Day

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

2 Timothy 1:7