Teen Auctions Off Pig To Raise Money For Cancer Research, Buyers Return It 4 Times Till They Raise $10000

15 year old Waylon Klitzman is a typical high school student, but what he did for his teacher, not many can attempt.

He auctioned his pet pig Roo to get money for cancer research.

Wayne was very sentimental when he was auctioning Roo, but he cared very much about his favorite teacher at school, and wanted to help her family fight cancer, and the pig was sold-4 times and raised $10,000.

Dawn Klitzman, describes her son as a typical teen, he loves to play football, helps in the family’s farm, and around the house. He is active in the local 4-H Club for the last 5 years and loves all his animals very much.

At 4-H he is taught how to raise and sell his own livestock and make some money.

Waylon studies in 9th grade in school, and was finding it difficult to adjust with classmates and the environment, but it was his algebra teacher Kim Katzenmeyer who was there to support him and help him out.

However, in 2017, Doctors diagnosed her 4 year old niece Harlow with neuroblastoma, a rare cancer affecting children.

Katzenmeyer quit teaching to volunteer at the cancer research institute full time after seeing Harlow undergo the grueling cancer treatments.

Waylon was heartbroken to know that his favourite teacher had quit teaching, but Katzenmeyer kept in touch with the Klitzmans and got to know them better.

Dan Drozdowicz, a local business owner was at this year’s auction, he is a regular at the auctions having attended them over the last 40 years.

He said that he regularly receives letters from the 4-H kids telling him about their animals and in one such letter Waylon expressed his desire to sell his pig and donate profits to Beat Cancer. He mentioned about his beloved  teacher’s niece’s battle with cancer.

With Drozdowicz older daughter being diagnosed with cancer, he decided to bid to help Waylon’s cause.

He kept bidding on the first round till he got the highest bid of $3047 and then said he would turn the pig back again for a sale for the second time.

In the second round, Drozdowicz’s bidding rival Owen, won and paid $2,716 for Roo, and he too turned it in for another round of bidding.

Next round, Moll Construction, Waylon’s dad’s company paid $2,915 and in the fourth round, a group of businesses, won for $1,457.

Roo had fetched more than $10,000 for Beat NB and as Drozdowicz said that they believe in giving back to the community and that they are blessed to be doing it.

Now Waylon is into growing and auctioning pumpkins. We are touched by this story and pray that there are more Waylons in this world.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11