Painter With Deformed Nose Has Amazing Transformation After A Doctor Saw Him In His Yard

This New York painter got a “new nose” as his Christmas gift. Thanks to the big-hearted plastic surgeon who volunteered to fix it for free.


Dr. Thomas Romo, a plastic surgeon from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, was disturbed when he saw the painter’s nose. “I’m looking at him in the yard. I walked over there and instantaneously knew that it was rhinophyma.” The doctor noticed his condition when he worked at his Bronxville house last August.

painter-with-disfigured-norse defined Rhinophyma as “a skin disorder characterized by a large, red, bumpy or bulbous nose.” Its cause is still unknown and is more commonly seen in men aged 50-70.

Conrado Ramos Estrada, 57, from Guatemala, has been having difficulty eating and breathing because his nose was hanging over his mouth.

“I see this guy, and I just told my staff … ‘We’re going to take care of this guy.’ I said, ‘book him. We’re not going to charge him,'” Dr. Romo recalled. After all paper works were processed, Estrada went under the knife. He has never been the same since then.

“It was impressive to be within his presence,” the delighted surgeon said. “I could just see from looking at him, his stature, his smile – all the things that you didn’t see before. Here’s a guy who has been transformed.”


Fox News reported that Estrada was thankful to God and this benevolent doctor for his transformation. Dr. Thomas Romo also runs the Little Baby Face Foundation. They provide facial surgery to needy kids.

Big thanks to compassionate people like Dr. Romo. His selfless act indeed changed this painter’s life. May we find ways to serve people through our simple deeds to spark hope, especially this season.

Dr. Thomas Romo
Dr. Thomas Romo, Plastic Surgeon

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11